Golden Glory: Inca Berries as Superfood

They’re gold, succulent, nutritious and super. Not many people know about them, but they are super. Inca berries can bring a full range of health benefits that can make the body just as golden.

Inca berries are also coined as cape gooseberry and physalis is abundant in high altitude tropical regions in South America. These exotic are small and round with glossy orange-yellow skin. The berries are surrounded by thin, paper-like leaves.

After the fruits are harvested and dried, they turn into an orange-bronze hue. They practically look like golden raisins. But their taste is far more tantalizing. Raw Inca berries are juicy and sweet, with a bit of tangy after taste. When they are dried, the sweetness is a bit more subtle.

These fruits are so tasty that they are often described as flavor-packed morsels. Chocolate-covered Inca berries are the subject of fondness among foodies with sweet tooth. Laid-back healthy savvy, alternatively enjoy them dried for snacks. Others would prefer the berries sweet and eaten with other varieties of fruits in a salad bowl.

No matter what style, Inca berries endow their patrons with perks that can keep diseases at bay.

Energy Throughout the Day

 Inca berries are superfoods. If you get the impression that eating the fruits can give you super powers, then you are not necessarily wrong. Many individuals claim that they are instantly filled with energy after snacking on the berries – both dried and raw.

Several studies conducted also show that Inca berries can improve brain functions while increasing the amount of oxygen distributed in the body. The high levels of vitamin B12 contained in each berry can be accounted for the strong support for cellular metabolism. This means that cells are more able to synthesize substances and turn them into energy.

Healthy Digestion

Remember that among the many reasons why Inca berries are super is their multifold of dietary fibers not present in other kinds of fruits. In fact, they have twice the amount of fibers than dates, prunes, apricots and blueberries.

Regularly eating the berries can then prevent indigestion and other illnesses down in the gut. They can improve bowel movements and flush out toxins that have accumulated in the colon. Because of this property, Inca berry are also seen as potential cure for digestion problems while serving as a shield against colon cancer.

The pectin of the berries are also taken for lowering LDL cholesterol levels and chelating heavy metals.

Natural Medicine for Illnesses

Over the centuries, the Inca berries are used by orthodox doctors in treating serious health conditions like cancer, leukemia, and hepatitis. These are among the deadliest illnesses in the world. Who knew a tiny golden berry is all it takes to cure them?

On top of these, Inca berries are also used to treat malaria, asthma, dermatitis and rheumatism. Up to date, they retained their identity as natural medicine.

At the same time, the berries are taken as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-heptoxic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-histamine. Thanks, mostly, to the richness of the fruits in bioflavonoids and Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6 and B12.

Slimy Superfood: How Aloe Slithers to the Limelight of Health

People are never surprised to find out about the medicinal properties of aloe vera. After all, it has been one of the most ancient alternative cures for various diseases. Even before laboratory-produced antiseptics and band aids invaded the consciousness of men, aloe was already used to clean wounds and quicken the healing process.

Yet not everyone expected that the gooey extract from this succulent herb can be eaten to become promote wellness and beauty at the same time.

Aloe as Superfood

The raw and unprocessed gel of aloe is a superfood in its full glory. Each drop of extracts is brimming with vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, minerals and enzymes. Aloe is known to contain notable levels of

–          Vitamins A, C, and E

–          Calcium

–          Sulfur

–          Selenium

–          Magnesium

–          Chromium

–          Zinc

–          Antixodants

–          Sterols

–          Enzymes

–          Amino Acids

–          Lignins

–          Polysaccharides

Each of these comes with their own function and health benefits. The play of these substances makes up for the different advantages that you can get from including Aloe Vera in your regular diet.

Health Benefits of Aloe

For the record, Aloe is not a laxative albeit its ability to improve bowel movements. The gel can be taken to cure constipation. Obviously, the gel extract lubricates the walls of the intestines, making it easier for digested food to find their way out. Aloe was also found to prevent the growth of candida bacteria in the colon.

At the same time, the gel from the aloe can solve problems like acid reflux.

There’s also a reason why aloe is practically ubiquitous in beauty products. Drinking the juice from the succulent leaves clears the skin of acne and other flaws while keeping it glowing and moisturized.

Polysaccharides present in the extracts are also proven to play a role in alleviating pain from stiff joints while enhancing brain function. Given its anti-viral and anti-bacterial property, you can be safe from a wide range of diseases as your immune system is strengthened by the gel.

Note, however, that alow can only do its wonders when the juice is taken raw and unprocessed. It should not be pasteurized or exposed to heat, along with any other chemicals such as flavour enhancers.

The Best Way to Eat Aloe

Raw and fresh. Just like munching on carrots and snacking on celery, aloe vera leaves can be eaten right after they were cut off from the plant. Beginners, of course, are expected to have repulsion to this idea.

As such, they have the option to mix the extracts with their smoothies, fruit juices or pudding. Few pieces of the leaves can be liquefied using a blender. For as long as the gel is not subjected to heat, the minerals and nutrients remain intact and ready to put forth its breath of benefits.

There are also yummy concoctions that you can whip up using with aloe juice and lemon. Try finding more recipes and ideas online to enjoy the slimy but extremely beneficial juice of aloe vera leaves.

Superfood Spirulina: the Miracle Algae

Spirulina is probably the most notable in the list of superfoods. It is not only super; it is also associated with magic and miracle.

This type of blue green algae is interesting as it is not considered a plant or an animal. Biologists may have classified is as an algae, but incessant studies are conducted to determine to which kingdom it belongs to. Spirulina’s cell structure and metabolic functions are not quite like plants, but it lacks several features for it to be categorized as an animal.

In essence, the blue green alga is a one-celled organism. It was discovered as a food source in 9th century when the algae were harvested and sold in a cake form. The dried flat cakes were then called “dihe” and eaten by the locals in Europe as a staple part of their meals.

At present, the spirulina was found to be an effective cure for many illnesses. Some even claim that the alga is the most viable solution to world hunger. After all, it can be easily cultured and produced as it can withstand extreme weather conditions and rapid changes in temperature.

Cure for the “Incurable”

From the studies done by Taiwan’d Department of Aquaculture, spirulina was found to have notable immune-boosting properties. The experiment was conducted by exposing white shrimps to mizture of seawater and spirulina extract. They were later transferred to 6.8 levelled pH of seawater.

The shrimps displayed a faster recovery process compared to the other shrimps who were not exposed to the extracts from the algae.

This led to the application of the algae in curing Crohn’s disease along with Lupus or fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic candida yeast. And with the world clamouring for cure to HIV and AIDS, spirulina may just provide answers. Extracts from the algae show promising properties in making immunodeficiency virus benign.

Keeping High Blood Pressure at Bay

Millions of Americans are diagnosed with hypertension each year. It was also named to be the leading cause of death among men and women. High blood pressure can translate to higher susceptibility to heart diseases and stroke.

Taking 4.5 grams of spirulina each day was proven to be effective in lowering blood pressure as shown by the study conducted by the Department of Biochemistry in Mexico. While it may be difficult for some countries to acquire the algae, health stores can have supplements mostly in tablet form.

Safely Normalizing Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol may have long been demonized, but lessening its level inside the body abruptly can lead to serious health conditions. Taking cholesterol medications may seem to be the most viable way out but it there are several side effects springing from the drugs. These would include anemia, sexual dysfunction, immune depression, damages in the pancreas or liver, acidosis, cataract and susceptibility to cancer.

Taking right grams of spirulina (even in tablet dosages) for 16 consecutive weeks are highly recommended for patients between 60 and 87. Younger individuals with cholesterol problems can eat spirulina with their meals with lesser amount, or depending on what the physician recommends.

Small But Super: Wonders of Flax Seeds

Since four thousand years ago, flaxseeds have been a staple part of those in Africa, Asia and Europe. But the well-deserved attention of the seeds has only been endowed recently when they were named as one of the modern superfoods.

And no matter how small each grain is, the health benefits they bring are colossal.

Flax seeds contain large amount of minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, soluble and insoluble fiber, and phytoestrogens. This gives them the ability to treat heart diseases and prevent cancer. The seeds are also known to regulate digestion and production of hormone among women, thereby reducing pre-menstrual syndrome and menopausal gripes.

Munching on a pack a day, or cooking them with your favourite dish can supply you with all the nutrients necessary to protect your body from different illnesses.

Digestion Regulators and Laxative

Nutritionists suggest that eating at least a couple of tablespoons of milled flaxseeds a day can satisfy 15% of USDA recommended daily intake of fiber. When the flax seeds are coupled with plenty of water, they can well promote regularity in the digestive system.

Experts suggest that you can get the most out of flax seeds benefits when you mix a tablespoon of flaxseeds with eight ounce of water. The mixture should be taken three times a day for three days. Doing so also works when you are suffering from constipation. Another way of taking flax seeds is to top them on rice. This is down in India to cure stomach aches and indigestion, along with frequent acid refluxes.

Be wary though, that eating flax seeds without flushing them down with water may result to instestinal blockage.

Lower Cholesterol in the Body

The Mayo Clinic conducted a study among animals fed with flax seeds. At the end of the experiment, they discovered that the grains have provided ample level of ALAS necessary in reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Similar study by Mozaffarian D revealed that two to gree grams of flax seeds contain notable level of alpha linolenic acid. This substance can effectively prevent the build up of fats around the cardiovascular muscles, thereby preventing the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

When you indulge in fatty foods, it is therefore imperative to follow through with desserts made with flax seeds. Ground seeds mixed with water can replace an egg when you bake. Topping ice creams of yogurts with the seeds are just as mouth watering.

Fighting Cancer

Oncologists are convinced that 30 to 40% of all types of cancers can be prevented by proper diet and healthy lifestyle. And with the findings pointing to the potential of flax seeds in getting rid of almost all kinds of toxins inside the body, the grains may play a major role in the battle against cancer.

Lignas or phytoestrogens found in flaxseeds are great in creating blockage for homone-dependent cancers in the breast, ovary, and prostate.

On the same token, a research in Canada shows that dietary flaxseeds reduces tumor growth among women who have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. In less than a month, patients who included flax-rich muffins daily (approximately 25 grams of flaxseeds) were observed to have slower tumour cell growth and surge in the death of cancer cells.

Stinky Yet Super: Onion as Superfood

Onions are far from being superstars. They are stinky and weird tasting. Their fumes irritate the eyes and their juice can sometimes be prickly on the skin.

For these very same reasons, onions are among the superfoods that are not only unappreciated, but also undervalued. Yet onions are no less than powerful.

Over the last centuries, onions have been used to cure a breath of illnesses. Historical accounts even show that vapors of onion pastes were used by soldiers to relief pain and accelerate healing of wounds. This is because onions are high in sulphur, vitamin B6 and chromium which are known antibacterial and antiseptics. These nutrients also help in reducing heart attack and cardiac arrests by keeping high cholesterol level at bay.

Blood pressure can be regulated with onions, while insulin and blood sugar levels are kept at ideal levels.

In a study published by Journal Agricultural and food Chemistry, yellow onions were found to contain GPCS that can prevent the bones from weak and fragile. At the same time, antioxidant quercetin can be acquired from onions to prevent colon cancer as revealed by the Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

And not because onions’ popular health benefits center on curing diseases doesn’t mean you should skip including some slice of it in your daily diet. There’s more to onions that being mere stinky bulb.

Benefits of Onions

Clears wounds of bacteria that can cause infection. Onions can serve both as antibiotic and antiseptic.

– Alleviate pains from wounds, spasms, and inflammations

– Serves as a natural diuretic, tonic, stimulant, and fungicidal

– Lowers cholesterol levels and triglycerides that can cause heart diseases, high blood pressure and stroke

– Prevents the growth of tumors and cancer cells

– Regulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines thereby preventing ulcers and indigestion

– Temporarily relieves respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, flu, colds and cough

–  Combats allergens

– Lowers blood sugar levels while making blood thin for better circulation and prevention of clots

– Strengthens the bones and teeth. And though onions make the breath stink big time, they are effective in preventing oral conditions.

Some Useful Applications of Onions

For Insomnia

Extracts of red onions either from raw, steamed or boiled bulbs can give you peaceful forty winks. Take four teaspoons of juice every night before hitting the sack.

Treating Dog Bites

Use a medium sized red onion bulb and crush it finely. Mix the crushed onion with honey and apply to the wound. This is an effective way of cleaning dog bites and clearing out the poison. Drinking the onion juice also prevents the body from being attacked by rabies virus.

Increasing Production of Breastmilk

Some women are not endowed with enough Mother’s milk to nourish their young. Eating few slices of raw onion with every meal can solve the problem.

Preventing Heat Stroke

Before heading out the house on a scorching day, apply tiny amount of onion juice to the temples and chest. It also helps to drink extracts of raw onions daily.

Rooting for Carrots

Carrots may as well save the world with superman. After all, this all-time favourite Looney Toons character has been munching one of the all-time favourite superfoods: carrots.

Truth is, there could be a range of superpowers that you can get from regularly eating carrots. Super vision can be acquired from carrots’ high level of beta carotene. In fact, a single old carrot has enough of this nutrient to supply ample vitamin A for an entire day.

You can also have an indestructible shield against lung cancer as various studies reveal.

In some culture, the succulent root crop is also used as an alternative medicine for its antibiotic property. Orthodox French doctors use puree carrots to cure diarrhea among infants, liver problems and jaundice.

Recent experiments also found carrots’ positive impact on blood circulation, increasing the RBCs and preventing atherosclerosis.

Is Purple the New Super?

Purple carrots may sound like a perfect example of a make-believe food taken straight out from the pages of Alice in Wonderland, but they exist – and they exist for a reason.

Contrary to first impressions, purple carrots are not genetically modified. They originated from ancient Persia and is now currently cultivated in some parts of Australia. Over the years, this variety of carrots almost vanished from the market, as producers have dedicated larger plantation for mainstream orange carrots.

The purple ones are pretty much the same as the orange carrots, being cooked and eaten in the same manner. But the health benefits you can acquire from eating purple carrots are far more superior to those you can get from the orange succulents.

What Purple Carrots Has to Offer

Researchers from the University of Queensland conducted an experiment with the purple carrot juice in 2010. Findings point to evidences that the beta-carotene contained in the carrots can almost instantly reverse adverse effects from a high carbohydrate and high fat diet. This was a promising breakthrough in the ongoing discoveries for the cures for metabolic syndromes.

But the therapeutic effects of the carrots are yet to be proven.

Nonetheless, nutritionists have approved of the carrot’s ability to hamper increase of cholesterol level and build up of fats around the heart. It can also regulate bile production and other liver enzymes.

Scientists who fed the carrots to lab rats observed a significant decline in the inflammation, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, fat disposition, and uric acid concentration of the animals. At the same time, their tolerance to glucose has greatly improved.

Experts suggest that this is the result of the anti-inflammatory and anthocyanins of the carrots known to control the metabolic syndrome symptoms in the body. Follow up discoveries then revealed that purple carrots have twenty eight times more anthocyanins than its orange counterpart.

Ready for Purple?

Orange carrots have been known a superfood long before purple ones made a buzz. Having the same species, both varieties are expected to have full breath of amazing health benefits. Then again, experts are still yet to affirm that purple carrots are indeed superfoods.

Good Health as Token of Appreciation for the Honey Bees

Honey is already in itself amazing, even before it reveals its health benefits. The fact that it is the only food that doesn’t go rancid even after a million years alone gives it its supernatural nature. But this is not uncanny. It’s simply being a superfood.

But don’t get this wrong. Honey can only do its wonders when it is eaten raw. The best honey is produced by bees that gathered nectar and pollen from fresh wild flowers. Chaparral, eucalyptus, mustard, sage and other local blossoms from trees are the most ideal source of honey.

Unprocessed honey has antioxidant components and brimming with minerals, vitamins, phynotutrients, carbohydrates, enzymes and amino acids.

It is imperative to discern unsullied honey from processed varieties. Studies conducted by the National Honey Board show that commercial honey that has been pasteurized and heated has high level of botulism and High Fructose Corn Syrup. These two components are dangerous to infants and diabetes patients.

Regularly eating a spoonful or two of untouched raw honey, on the other hand, can do wonders to your health. Over the centuries, it has been utilized to cure wounds, cataracts, skin ulcers, burns, and simple scrape. But of course, its therapeutic ability extends to the treatment of digestion problems and bronchitis.

With more benefits enjoyed from honey, being healthy has never been sweeter.

Protection and Cure from Allergies

The debate on whether honey can really combat allergens continues, but there are millions of patients that can attest to honey’s ability in relieving several symptoms. In one of the experiments conducted, it has been found that honey can reduce adverse reactions to birch pollen by 60%.

Several orthodox physicians are also recommending honey as an alternative cure to coughing and sneezing brought by seasonal allergies. Doctors explain that the small amounts of pollen contained in the raw honey exposes the body to tiny portion of allergens, thereby triggering the body’s natural defenses.

Natural Antibacterial

For many centuries, honey has been known as superfood and a powerful remedy for infections. Even in the modern times, many microbiologists are convinced that honey can well prevent streptococcus pyogenes bacteria from invading wounds. Researchers went on proving that honey can destroy a whole lot of bacterial cells around the wound.

Plus, it can be used to painlessly deal with dead tissues, pus and scabs that developed from a deep wound.

Superfood for the Sweet Tooth

Being healthy is sweet especially when your plate is donning cacao.

As you have probably noticed, chocolate has been one of the most favorite subjects of research among nutritionists. The findings are always in favor of the treat, albeit the loads of myth that misconstrue its effect on the body. This alone proves that eating a regulated amount of chocolate can give your health its most needed boost.

Yet there’s a hint of truth on the rumored negative impacts of eating the sweets. Experts are rooting more for dark chocolate as it contains low levels of sugar. Browns and whites are found have some hostile effects on one’se weight and soundness of the tooth enamel.

This is why cacao – instead of its by-products – is named as a superfood.

Going Loco for Cocoa

Chocolate is produced from cacao beans. But more than just satisfying the sweet tooth of fanatics, cacao has also brought a myriad of health benefits since time immemorial.

You would be surprised to hear the tales and legends of cacao. To make the story short, it first captured the attention of both foodies and health savvies after the drinks made from it were found to be positively potent. Recent studies and experiments gave a strong evidence that cacao can be a source of nutrients that may not be gained else where.

But this does not give you any reason to gorge on dark chocolates. Remember that cacao contains stimulants and may cause you to turn hyper. There are loads of ways to consume this superfood other than splurging on desserts.

Why should you love cocoa?

There is a myriad of benefits that you can gain from consuming the bittersweet beans of cacao.

Enhanced blood circulation and increase of blood flow in the brain. Cacao keeps the mind sharp and alert. Drinking a cup of hot cocoa in the morning may therefore give you the fuel you need to withstand the hassle and bustle in the workplace.

Healthy blood. Iron is contained in the beans of Cacao. This is a mineral necessary to avert anemia. On top of this, the fruit also regulates and balances blood sugar level. That means you can enjoy your sweets without worrying about diabetes and other diseases. At the same time, the trace mineral manganese in cacao builds up hemoglobin which distributes oxygen in different parts of the body.

Younger-looking skin. The beans are rich in epicatechins, polyphenols and catechins which are popular antioxidants that can fight premature aging. These substances also battle out free radicals that can cause various diseases.

More vigor and vitality. Cacao contains magnesium that strengthens the cardiovascular muscles. This mineral also responsible also keeps the gut free from constipation. Plus, it prevents pre-menstrual syndrome and cramps.

Slimmer body. Consuming cacao is a way to load up on omega 6 fatty acid and trans fats that can contribute to weight lost. These substances can help quicken the pace of burning fats. To get the most out of this benefit, snack on cooked and processed chocolate. The fiber in the beans also improves the digestive system, and cleanses the toxins inside the body.


Blazing Broccoli Benefits

How could a veggie become super? Having a tree-like appearance and loads of nutrients, that’s how.

Broccoli is one of the vegetables loathed by many kids, sometimes next to asparagus. Some say it smells like rotten eggs when cooked — thus the repulsion. Others may not have a problem having broccoli for a meal as long as it is smothered with dressing and cheese.

Needless to say, it remains to be one of the veggies that are under-appreciated.

But broccoli is a superfood. And eating it may help you have a super health.

A Little of Broccoli

Broccoli resembles the shape of a tree, except that its trunk is green and not brown. The head is comprised of small projections looking like florets. It is categorized as a cruciferous vegetable, accompanying cauliflower at the list.

Its smell may be pungent, but it can be more than pleasing for the taste buds. In fact, it could be one of the most scrumptious side meals when it is stir fried with low-fat butter spread and a little of salt.

It can also be eaten raw on a salad bowl or cooked with beef. Either way, you are sure to get all the benefits from the concentration of nutrients on every part of the broccoli.

Armor Against Cancer

Broccoli stinks for a reason — it contains sulfur compounds that can shield the body against growth of tumors. This particular benefits has been been proven in various studies on colon cancer.

On the same token, broccoli is also found to be effective in reducing the risk of bladder cancer and ovarian cancer among women.

Nutritionists suggest that this veggie is best partnered up with carrots and tomatoes, which are also famous for their antioxidant contents and anti-cancer capabilities. The trick is to steam the broccoli instead of boiling to preserve its nutrients.

Cleaning the Gut

Colon cleansing can scare many individuals as it sounds invasive and a bit gross. The leeriness against the process is driven by impression of having to pop several pills and drink weird-tasting concoctions.

Little do most people realize that munching on some broccoli can cleanse the colon more than any other chemical agents can.

Lab tests reveal that the vegetable contains loads of phytonutrients, which are responsible in flushing out toxic compounds in the intestines. Lesser toxins translates to sounder health. Ultimately, more broccoli brings more vigor and vitality.

Fight Against Ulcer

Broccoli as superfood probably leaves the most impact on the digestive system. Nutritionists explain that when broccoli is digested, the sulfur compounds are released. And yes, you have all the reasons to worry about passing off stinky gas.

Then again, this very subject of irk is an indication that broccoli has eliminated bacteria and other ulcer-causing toxins inside the intestines.

On top of these benefits, savvy health conscious individuals also claim to eat broccoli to prevent premature aging. Based from the accounts, the vegetable can battle free radicals that can damage cells and organs.

Perks from the Purple: Gaining from Acai Berries

Oprah Winfrey was one of the people responsible for the acai berry hype. Her high recommendations for the fruits made a buzz in the media, and convinced healthy savvy viewers to go give the berries a try.

But other than fanatic drive, both health and weight-conscious individuals are paying the berries close attention because of their proven health benefits.

Acknowledging Acai

If you ever strolled in stores with organic foods and supplements, you may have come across the acai berries touted as one of the most remarkable imported fruit and superfood of the era. Chances are, you are one of the buyers who see the tales to be too good to be true. As such, it is best to get as much information about the acai berry before allowing them to claim a corner in your diet.

Brazilian Acai berries are known to be packed with essential nutrients — potassium, phyonutrients, iron, and phosphorous calcium — and antioxidants. In fact, it contains twice as much oxidants than other berries, and 10 times more than red grapes. Studies conducted by the Amherst College also revealed that the fruits contain an amount of anthosyanins that’s thirty times more than red wine’s.

Along with the antioxidants, acai berries are also discovered to bear notable levels of omega fats 3, 6 and 9, proteins, amino acids, dietary fibers, xanthones, and anthocyanins. This myriad of substances paves the way for several health benefits of the acai berries.

Health Gains from Acai

1. Anti-Aging

The antioxidants of the fruits can neutralize the production of free radicals that can wear out cells and lead to premature aging. At the same time, the berries can combat the causes of heart diseases and cancer — thanks, mostly, to the anthocyanins they contain.

2. Weight loss

Acai berries are good sources of fiber, thus enhancing the digestive health. Nutritionists also recognize the fruits as safe and proven appetite suppressors that help individuals take control over the food they eat. This is the reason why acai berries are now one of the highly demanded ingredients for formulas and weight loss supplements.

3. Low Cholesterol

Regularly eating the berries have been observed to significantly lower cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation. It also contributes to a quicker metabolism and burning of fats. Note that the fruits are brimming with plant sterols that are needed for the protection of cardiovascular muscles and membranes of the cells. This substance is known to prevent clots while relaxing the blood vessels.

4. Healthy Skin

Most of the newly-released cosmetic and beauty products contain acai oil. Aside from being a natural antioxidant, this ingredient is also names as the best alternative to chemical-based oils that can harm the skin from prolonged use. When the berries are eaten, they can also give the skin a healthy glow. Look at the bronze skins of Brazilians and ask no more.

5. High Levels of Energy

Sportsmen and athletes can benefit from the energy-boosting properties of the acai berries. Eating a handful of these purples can also strengthen the stamina and battle out exhaustion.