Stinky Yet Super: Onion as Superfood

Onions are far from being superstars. They are stinky and weird tasting. Their fumes irritate the eyes and their juice can sometimes be prickly on the skin.

For these very same reasons, onions are among the superfoods that are not only unappreciated, but also undervalued. Yet onions are no less than powerful.

Over the last centuries, onions have been used to cure a breath of illnesses. Historical accounts even show that vapors of onion pastes were used by soldiers to relief pain and accelerate healing of wounds. This is because onions are high in sulphur, vitamin B6 and chromium which are known antibacterial and antiseptics. These nutrients also help in reducing heart attack and cardiac arrests by keeping high cholesterol level at bay.

Blood pressure can be regulated with onions, while insulin and blood sugar levels are kept at ideal levels.

In a study published by Journal Agricultural and food Chemistry, yellow onions were found to contain GPCS that can prevent the bones from weak and fragile. At the same time, antioxidant quercetin can be acquired from onions to prevent colon cancer as revealed by the Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

And not because onions’ popular health benefits center on curing diseases doesn’t mean you should skip including some slice of it in your daily diet. There’s more to onions that being mere stinky bulb.

Benefits of Onions

Clears wounds of bacteria that can cause infection. Onions can serve both as antibiotic and antiseptic.

– Alleviate pains from wounds, spasms, and inflammations

– Serves as a natural diuretic, tonic, stimulant, and fungicidal

– Lowers cholesterol levels and triglycerides that can cause heart diseases, high blood pressure and stroke

– Prevents the growth of tumors and cancer cells

– Regulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines thereby preventing ulcers and indigestion

– Temporarily relieves respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, flu, colds and cough

–  Combats allergens

– Lowers blood sugar levels while making blood thin for better circulation and prevention of clots

– Strengthens the bones and teeth. And though onions make the breath stink big time, they are effective in preventing oral conditions.

Some Useful Applications of Onions

For Insomnia

Extracts of red onions either from raw, steamed or boiled bulbs can give you peaceful forty winks. Take four teaspoons of juice every night before hitting the sack.

Treating Dog Bites

Use a medium sized red onion bulb and crush it finely. Mix the crushed onion with honey and apply to the wound. This is an effective way of cleaning dog bites and clearing out the poison. Drinking the onion juice also prevents the body from being attacked by rabies virus.

Increasing Production of Breastmilk

Some women are not endowed with enough Mother’s milk to nourish their young. Eating few slices of raw onion with every meal can solve the problem.

Preventing Heat Stroke

Before heading out the house on a scorching day, apply tiny amount of onion juice to the temples and chest. It also helps to drink extracts of raw onions daily.

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