Picking Prickly Pear: How Nopalea Juice Can Keep You Healthy

Parched men who are trapped in a burning dessert extract cactus juice for refreshment and survival. The same holds true for those who are running low on nutrients and vitamins…except that it’s the fruits of the cactus they get the juice from.

Nopal cactus coined to as prickly pear is known to be the source of powerful superfood. Its fruits have long been consumed as food and alternative medicine. Though it can practically anywhere in the world, it thrives mostly inMexico.

This particular cactus is characterized by succulent oval pads and dark-coloured, pear-shaped fruits, and vibrant flowers. The pads, dubbed as “nopalitas” are stripped off of their pines to be used for culinary purposes. High-end restaurants serve the cactus raw (for salads), grilled, sautéed and pickled.

Nopalitas are known to be a good source of iron, B vitamins, iron, vitamin C, and calcium. But it’s the fruits that make it famous among health-conscious individuals as they carry a reputation as a potent superfood.

Prickly Pear is Not Exactly Thorny

 The fruit of the Nopal cactus was traditionally used by locals to treat numerous diseases and get relief from health conditions. Recent studies revealed that the prickly pear has properties that can enhance the function of immune and nervous system. Experts also unveiled its notable level of bioflavonoids that can give protection against free radicals and inflammation.

Prickly pears come with impressive health benefits – so impressive that the fruit was named as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. When the sunset-hued juice is consumed on a regular basis, you can gain a wide breath of health benefits.

Alleviating Chronic Pain

Nopalea juice is by far the most effective natural pain reliever for chronic pain. Patients with rheumatism and other illnesses that constantly endure unbearable pain as a symptom, are recommended to drink the juice daily.

Prickly pear has been observed to treat pain on specific areas of the body, and target the part of your brain that is susceptible to pain. Unlike pills and other drugs, Napolea juice does not “kill” the nerves that make you feel aches. Instead, it reduces inflammation and soreness on certain areas to prevent you from feeling groggy.

Protection from Inflammation

Scientists believe that chronic inflammation is one of the causes of many deadly illnesses and diseases such as cancer. As such, the prickly pear cactus juice gained high approval from doctors because of its anti-inflammation properties. Napolean juice halts inflammation before it becomes worst and lead to more serious conditions.

Flushing Out Toxins

 Extracts from the fruits of Nopal cactus are proven to have high levels of fiber that can help maintain healthy digestion. Drinking the juice can therefore flush out toxins and other harmful substances lurking in your colons. On the same token, the super drink can regulate bowel movements.

The cactus juice can also purge toxins that you may have ingested, breathed and drank unknowingly. Thanks to the powerful antioxidant, Betalain, you can flush out harmful radicals and molecules that may cause cellular damages, respiratory problems, and renal issues.