Benefiting from a New Type of Green: Wheatgrass as a Superfood

The health benefits from wheat grass are no longer news. Several products from the superfood sprung like mushrooms after researches unveiled the potential of wheat grass as the next big thing in the health industry. And next big thing, it truly was.

A mere 30 mL of freshly squeezed juice from wheat grass (a shot glass full) carries a nutritional value equivalent to that of a kilogram of leafy vegetable. If you think this is already impressive, you’d be more than surprised to find out that a teaspoon of powdered wheat grass (about 3.5 grams) contains the same level of nutrients found in an entire spinach salad. Wheatgrass also has twice the amount of Vitamin C from a kilogram of oranges, and doubled level of Vitamin A from a kilogram of carrots.

With this given, wheatgrass truly deserves to be a headline hugger. After all, it has more than ninety minerals – the highest number ever recorded for a superfood. More so, it contains 19 amino acids that serve as the building blocks of essential proteins. These work together with powerful enzymes, including:

  • Protease
  • Cytochrome Oxidase
  • Transhydrogenase
  • Amylase
  • Lipase
  • Superoxide Dismutase

These components brings forth a wide breath of health advantages that can uplift one’s well being and keep life threatening diseases at bay.

Greening Up the Blood…

 Health experts observed that the chlorophyll molecule of the grass mimics the nature of haemoglobin in the human blood, save for the differences in their internal element (magnesium for chlorophyll and iron for haemoglobin).

The similarities contribute to the ease of transforming chlorophyll into haemoglobin to increase the amount of RBCs in the blood. This allows more efficient delivery of nutrients and oxygen to different organs.

In the same vein, wheatgrass chlorophyll quickens the pace of building RBCs to normalize blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. The same benefit eliminates poisonous carbon dioxide inside the body and promote faster metabolism for weight loss.

Regularly drinking wheatgrass juice restores alkalinity of the blood to reduce over-acidity. As such, it can relieve internal pains and cure peptic ulcers, constipation, ulcerative colitis, and other digestion issues.

At the same time, wheatgrass serves as a natural antioxidant that can hamper the effect of carcinogens by detoxifying the liver and bloodstream.

Throwing Garbage Out from the Body

 Speaking of detoxification, wheat grass has also been the new favourite of health conscious individuals with its ability to purge toxins inside the body. Taking both the juice and powdered grass is effective in battling out free radicals to cleanse various areas of the body.

With the ideal levels of saponin, wheat grass can support the lymphatic system that’s responsible for flushing out almost all kinds of toxins that entered the body. Nutritionists explain that regular intake of wheat grass eliminates hardened mucous, crystallized acids and solid wastes.

More From the Green 

  • Stronger immune system and resistance to diseases
  • Protection against sickle cell anemia, anemia, and thalassemia
  • Enhanced reproductive potency of both men and women / increased fertility
  • Prevention of digestion-related problem, leukemia, diabetes, cancer, obesity, arthritis, etc.
  • Healthier skin and treatment of acne, black heads, sun burns, etc.
  • Regulated blood and cholesterol levels

Picking Prickly Pear: How Nopalea Juice Can Keep You Healthy

Parched men who are trapped in a burning dessert extract cactus juice for refreshment and survival. The same holds true for those who are running low on nutrients and vitamins…except that it’s the fruits of the cactus they get the juice from.

Nopal cactus coined to as prickly pear is known to be the source of powerful superfood. Its fruits have long been consumed as food and alternative medicine. Though it can practically anywhere in the world, it thrives mostly inMexico.

This particular cactus is characterized by succulent oval pads and dark-coloured, pear-shaped fruits, and vibrant flowers. The pads, dubbed as “nopalitas” are stripped off of their pines to be used for culinary purposes. High-end restaurants serve the cactus raw (for salads), grilled, sautéed and pickled.

Nopalitas are known to be a good source of iron, B vitamins, iron, vitamin C, and calcium. But it’s the fruits that make it famous among health-conscious individuals as they carry a reputation as a potent superfood.

Prickly Pear is Not Exactly Thorny

 The fruit of the Nopal cactus was traditionally used by locals to treat numerous diseases and get relief from health conditions. Recent studies revealed that the prickly pear has properties that can enhance the function of immune and nervous system. Experts also unveiled its notable level of bioflavonoids that can give protection against free radicals and inflammation.

Prickly pears come with impressive health benefits – so impressive that the fruit was named as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. When the sunset-hued juice is consumed on a regular basis, you can gain a wide breath of health benefits.

Alleviating Chronic Pain

Nopalea juice is by far the most effective natural pain reliever for chronic pain. Patients with rheumatism and other illnesses that constantly endure unbearable pain as a symptom, are recommended to drink the juice daily.

Prickly pear has been observed to treat pain on specific areas of the body, and target the part of your brain that is susceptible to pain. Unlike pills and other drugs, Napolea juice does not “kill” the nerves that make you feel aches. Instead, it reduces inflammation and soreness on certain areas to prevent you from feeling groggy.

Protection from Inflammation

Scientists believe that chronic inflammation is one of the causes of many deadly illnesses and diseases such as cancer. As such, the prickly pear cactus juice gained high approval from doctors because of its anti-inflammation properties. Napolean juice halts inflammation before it becomes worst and lead to more serious conditions.

Flushing Out Toxins

 Extracts from the fruits of Nopal cactus are proven to have high levels of fiber that can help maintain healthy digestion. Drinking the juice can therefore flush out toxins and other harmful substances lurking in your colons. On the same token, the super drink can regulate bowel movements.

The cactus juice can also purge toxins that you may have ingested, breathed and drank unknowingly. Thanks to the powerful antioxidant, Betalain, you can flush out harmful radicals and molecules that may cause cellular damages, respiratory problems, and renal issues.

When Your Body Turns Golden

A lot of people would think twice about (literally) eating a piece of jewellery, but some wouldn’t mind ingesting gold for its health benefits.

You read it right – gold can be consumed to gain optimal health. Studies revealed a new organic superfood coined to as Colloidal Gold. True to its name, it contains 99.99% pure gold that has been suspended in pure distilled water. Experts’ attention has been ensnared because of its proven ability to stabilize emotions while maintaining a sound mental and physical health.

With this said, gold might as well be dubbed as the new pink.

How Colloidal Gold Became a Superfood?

Well, the thought of eating gold alone seem to be a faction of a creative imagination taken out from a comic book. It is, in this sense, superficial.

The idea of consuming colloidal gold, nonetheless, is a hundred percent reality and has jumped from being superficial to being a superfood. In fact, gold tonics were drunk by elites few centuries ago for instant rejuvenation and maintenance of overall well-being. Its health benefits have also been the reason why gold became the primary material for making eating utensils: spoon, fork, cups and bowls.

If you’re hesitating about the safety of ingested gold, then your worries are spent on nothing. Gold is one of the metals that are vital in maintaining good metabolism, along with magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium and iron.

The element also does not interfere with existing medications and other natural chemicals in the body. Gold is a highly revered non-toxic metal.

Why Should You Eat Colloidal Gold?

There are loads of reasons on why you should consume this superfood. While the body cannot absorb chunks of pure gold, it can get the most from the colloidal size of the element.

Ingesting colloidal gold has a wide range of health benefits, mostly concentrated in improving the mind’s functionality. Research has proven that gold is by far the most perfect nutrient in inducing peak levels of the brain’s efficiency.

Scientists explain that this can be accounted to the ability of the metal to increase the conductivity and communication that happens between the dendrites of the brain cells – messages from the nerves are “delivered” and transferred faster when gold is ingested. As such, colloidal gold is known to trigger one’s skill in multi-tasking and problem solving.

There are also reports on significant boost in individuals’ creativity and imagination. Some claim to have sounder sleep and better dream recall after taking colloidal gold supplements. Unsurprisingly, one particular study revealed a 20-point increase in the IQ of a controlled group that has been taking colloidal gold for three months.

Nutritionists also agree that pure colloidal gold is excellent in keeping the vigour of the body, by targeting specific body systems. It is the best supplement in keeping the joints, hart, brain and circulatory system at their optimal state. Given this, colloidal gold can also effectively shield the body from life-threatening diseases like cancer.

And yes, this superfood may just be the key to a golden mind and body.

Super Relief to Women’s Distress

If you had enough of pre-menstrual syndrome or menopausal stress, it is probably time to include raw maca powder in your diet.

Maca is also called Peruvian Ginseng. It is a root crop that thrives in the high mountains of Peru. It has been 2,000 years when Peruvians started cultivating Maca for its wide range of health benefits. Long before the Westerners discovered it as a superfood, the root vegetable has already been serving the locals of Peruvian Andes well.

Maca is often consumed in its powdered form. This way, individuals can maximize its property as an adaptogen – having an ability to identify the stressed, weakened or painful parts of the body, and concentrate the healing process on these areas.

Alongside, maca powder is brimming with wide breath of minerals, amino acids, enzymes and vitamins. It is laden with 20 varying fatty acids, plus calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins B1, B2, B12, and C. Maca powder also contains more than 55 active phytochemicals. This includes hormonal precursors and sterols.

Women who are undergoing their “monthly burden” can then feel better when they take maca powder. Doing so puts their hormones back in balance, alleviates cramps, increases energy levels and puts a halt on mood swings.

Several studies have also proven the effectiveness of maca powder in enhancing performance in the sack, as it significantly increases libido and stamina.

But that’s not everything that you can gain from this superfood.

Advantages of Consuming Raw Maca Powder

Including the powder in your diet can help you regain a strong immune system, well-nourished body, and high level of energy. Alongside, it can also:

–          Contribute to overall soundness of health

–          Reduce Adrenal Stress

–          Improve memory

–          Sharpen the mind and makes learning a whole lot faster

–          Serve as a shield against cancer

–          Flush out toxins and battle free radicals

–          Fight off signs of aging

–          Make the skin spotless and glowing

–          Protect the cells against damages

How to Consume Raw Maca Powder

Dried maca tastes sweet and wee bit spicy. It’s interestingly yummy taste has gained its reputation as a famous delicacy. Alternatively, boiled maca is far sweeter than cocoa, making it a good alternative for chocolate as a desert.

Roasted Maca is just as delish. Some claim it tastes a lot like butterscotch, making it the most viable ingredient in making jams, puddings and juices.

On the same token, maca powder can also be used to whip out an eclectic of mouth watering confectionaries. It can be added as flavouring, taking the part of cinnamon and other powdered sweeteners. It can also be added to hot water to make a warm drink during chilly days. The malty taste of the powder mixes well with teas.

Some people also add the powder to their smoothies and daily tonic to have a safer and more effective energy drink. Athletes are particularly fond of adding few tablespoons of maca powder in their refreshments to maintain their needed endurance and power.