Perks from the Purple: Gaining from Acai Berries

Oprah Winfrey was one of the people responsible for the acai berry hype. Her high recommendations for the fruits made a buzz in the media, and convinced healthy savvy viewers to go give the berries a try.

But other than fanatic drive, both health and weight-conscious individuals are paying the berries close attention because of their proven health benefits.

Acknowledging Acai

If you ever strolled in stores with organic foods and supplements, you may have come across the acai berries touted as one of the most remarkable imported fruit and superfood of the era. Chances are, you are one of the buyers who see the tales to be too good to be true. As such, it is best to get as much information about the acai berry before allowing them to claim a corner in your diet.

Brazilian Acai berries are known to be packed with essential nutrients — potassium, phyonutrients, iron, and phosphorous calcium — and antioxidants. In fact, it contains twice as much oxidants than other berries, and 10 times more than red grapes. Studies conducted by the Amherst College also revealed that the fruits contain an amount of anthosyanins that’s thirty times more than red wine’s.

Along with the antioxidants, acai berries are also discovered to bear notable levels of omega fats 3, 6 and 9, proteins, amino acids, dietary fibers, xanthones, and anthocyanins. This myriad of substances paves the way for several health benefits of the acai berries.

Health Gains from Acai

1. Anti-Aging

The antioxidants of the fruits can neutralize the production of free radicals that can wear out cells and lead to premature aging. At the same time, the berries can combat the causes of heart diseases and cancer — thanks, mostly, to the anthocyanins they contain.

2. Weight loss

Acai berries are good sources of fiber, thus enhancing the digestive health. Nutritionists also recognize the fruits as safe and proven appetite suppressors that help individuals take control over the food they eat. This is the reason why acai berries are now one of the highly demanded ingredients for formulas and weight loss supplements.

3. Low Cholesterol

Regularly eating the berries have been observed to significantly lower cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation. It also contributes to a quicker metabolism and burning of fats. Note that the fruits are brimming with plant sterols that are needed for the protection of cardiovascular muscles and membranes of the cells. This substance is known to prevent clots while relaxing the blood vessels.

4. Healthy Skin

Most of the newly-released cosmetic and beauty products contain acai oil. Aside from being a natural antioxidant, this ingredient is also names as the best alternative to chemical-based oils that can harm the skin from prolonged use. When the berries are eaten, they can also give the skin a healthy glow. Look at the bronze skins of Brazilians and ask no more.

5. High Levels of Energy

Sportsmen and athletes can benefit from the energy-boosting properties of the acai berries. Eating a handful of these purples can also strengthen the stamina and battle out exhaustion.