Superfood for the Sweet Tooth

Being healthy is sweet especially when your plate is donning cacao.

As you have probably noticed, chocolate has been one of the most favorite subjects of research among nutritionists. The findings are always in favor of the treat, albeit the loads of myth that misconstrue its effect on the body. This alone proves that eating a regulated amount of chocolate can give your health its most needed boost.

Yet there’s a hint of truth on the rumored negative impacts of eating the sweets. Experts are rooting more for dark chocolate as it contains low levels of sugar. Browns and whites are found have some hostile effects on one’se weight and soundness of the tooth enamel.

This is why cacao – instead of its by-products – is named as a superfood.

Going Loco for Cocoa

Chocolate is produced from cacao beans. But more than just satisfying the sweet tooth of fanatics, cacao has also brought a myriad of health benefits since time immemorial.

You would be surprised to hear the tales and legends of cacao. To make the story short, it first captured the attention of both foodies and health savvies after the drinks made from it were found to be positively potent. Recent studies and experiments gave a strong evidence that cacao can be a source of nutrients that may not be gained else where.

But this does not give you any reason to gorge on dark chocolates. Remember that cacao contains stimulants and may cause you to turn hyper. There are loads of ways to consume this superfood other than splurging on desserts.

Why should you love cocoa?

There is a myriad of benefits that you can gain from consuming the bittersweet beans of cacao.

Enhanced blood circulation and increase of blood flow in the brain. Cacao keeps the mind sharp and alert. Drinking a cup of hot cocoa in the morning may therefore give you the fuel you need to withstand the hassle and bustle in the workplace.

Healthy blood. Iron is contained in the beans of Cacao. This is a mineral necessary to avert anemia. On top of this, the fruit also regulates and balances blood sugar level. That means you can enjoy your sweets without worrying about diabetes and other diseases. At the same time, the trace mineral manganese in cacao builds up hemoglobin which distributes oxygen in different parts of the body.

Younger-looking skin. The beans are rich in epicatechins, polyphenols and catechins which are popular antioxidants that can fight premature aging. These substances also battle out free radicals that can cause various diseases.

More vigor and vitality. Cacao contains magnesium that strengthens the cardiovascular muscles. This mineral also responsible also keeps the gut free from constipation. Plus, it prevents pre-menstrual syndrome and cramps.

Slimmer body. Consuming cacao is a way to load up on omega 6 fatty acid and trans fats that can contribute to weight lost. These substances can help quicken the pace of burning fats. To get the most out of this benefit, snack on cooked and processed chocolate. The fiber in the beans also improves the digestive system, and cleanses the toxins inside the body.