Small but Super: Impressive Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton

You have probably heard back in grade school that whales feed from phytoplankton floating in the ocean waters. And by now you might still be wondering how a creature as enormous is nourished by feeds as minute?

The answer is simple: marine phytoplankton is superfood – not just to sea animals, but also to humans.

Marine Phytoplankton: One of the Most Complete Superfood in the World

Phytoplankton also goes with the name “micro algae.” Biologists describe them as one-celled plants where all other life forms on the planet have sprung. No matter how small, they remain to be big. After all, they supply 90% of the Earth’s oxygen.

These vegetation of the ocean are known for their property that can transform sunlight into inorganic minerals. At the same time, it can turn carbon dioxide into highly valuable superfood for marine creatures and humans. Phytoplankton are considered super because they contain high levels and minerals at par with those from 200 sea vegetables combined!

Each cell is brimming with essential fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidants that can keep your health at its best. Given the dense concentration of these nutrients, small amount of phytoplankton can go a long way.

Remember that marine phytoplankton do their wonders on the human body because they contain all the minerals found in the blood. They can therefore restore the ideal level of these nutrients, thereby making your body good as new.

Gains from Marine Phytoplankton

Few health supplements sold from high-end stores. Based from the claims of both nutritionists and individuals who tested and tried the products, marine phytoplankton can bring forth the following perks:

Sharper Minds

An appropriate dosage of the phytoplankton is known to improve brain activity. It is also found to lengthen attention span and sharpen the memory. This can be accounted to the ability of phytoplankyon to deliver vital energy down to the core of DNA and Mitochondria. They can therefore penetrate barriers and feed energy to master glands located within the brain.

Shield Against Diseases

Taking the phytoplankton give the immune system a boost. Should an illness is weighing down the body, a dose of these algae can quicken the recovery process. This is because phytoplankton are natural antiviral and antibacterial. They work well in repairing cell damages and giving protection from radiation.

At the same time, they alleviate symptoms of allergy and asthma.

Better Blood Circulation

Marine phytoplankton contain chlorophyll. This very substance that gives its green hue is responsible in improving blood circulation and strengthening cardiovascular muscles. Chlorophyll increases oxygen update, thereby fueling all the muscles for optimum performance and endurance.

How to Take Marine Phytoplankton

Obviously, the algae cannot be eaten in its raw form.

One can enjoy the wide breath of benefits by buying processed phytoplankton in health stores. The products are often frozen dried and sold in powdered form. This can be mixed with fruit juices and smoothies to mask their strong taste.

Some manufacturers also have available capsules and tablets that are taken as supplements. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking these.