All Oiled Up: Mega Benefits from Omega Contents of Sacha Inchi Oil

Sacha Inchi is one of the oldest sources superfoods, and it just about time it step into the limelight.

The plant has been grown in the highlands of Peru, Amazon rainforests and east slope of lower Andes for three thousand years. Many archaeologists had found evidences of their use from the carvings they saw on Incan tombs.

The seeds are roasted to produce healthy nuts. In a more complex process the Sancha Inchi oil can be extracted for production.

So what is the Sacha Inchi buzz really all about?

Simple – the satisfaction it gives to savvy health conscious individuals who are looking for a yummier alternative for fish oil supplements. Saca Inchi oil made a splash, carrying with it 45% omega-3 fatty acid, 35% omega 6, 9% basic omega and 27% protein. This makes it one of the most powerful superfood ever known to man.

What Makes Sacha Inchi Super?

Few centuries back, locals residing near the Amazon rainforests consume the nuts and oil to get optimal health, solid endurance and sharper minds.

Studies are now pointing to the staggering levels of Omega 3’s, Fatty Acids, protein, amino acids, iodine and vitamins A and E. And though it sounds exotic, culinary practitioners may soon be shifting to Sacha Inchi to taste their salads and other cuisines. After all, the nutty flavour of the oil is said to be far more delish than vegetable oil and olive oil.

It is also easier to digest, allowing the body to absorb and all the nutrients to get the most out of its health benefits.

Gaining from Sacha Inchi Oil

Vegans and fans of raw foods are looking forward to the oil being the next big thing on health stores. Note that the oils are extracted from cold pressing process that’s free from refining and chemical additions.

It’s basically a superfood in its unadulterated, unsullied and untouched glory.

The following effects of the oil can therefore be observed almost immediately after the consumption:

  • Sharper thinking and improved cognitive functions
  • Longer attention span and better concentration
  • Enhanced moods
  • Alleviated pain and stiffness on the joints (making the oil perfect for patients with rheumatism)
  • Glowing skin, shinier hair and prettier nails
  • Relief from inflammation
  • Clearer vision

Regular intake and consumption of Sacha Inci oil can bring more health benefits which include:

Stronger Cardiovascular Muscles and Lower Cholesterol Levels

The oil is famous for its Omega 3, 6, and 9 contents that are notoriously wanted among patients with dangerously high HDL cholesterol levels. Aside from clearing out the build up of fats in the body, these also hamper blood clots. Saturated fats are kept static and mobile in the blood stream, thereby decreasing the risk of coronary diseases.

At the same time, the nutrients can keep stroke, heart attacks, hypertension, and diabetes at bay.

Improved Mental Health and Cure for Depression

Sacha Inchi oil is food for the brain in that it regulates nerve communication and transmission. It also maintains high level of fluidity and rigidity of the cell membranes.

More robust organs

This superfood can cure numerous skin diseases, asthma, migraine, ulcers, and glaucoma. Long acting ACE antioxidants in the oil is what keeps bronchial health well maintained. At the same time, it reduces pressures in the eyes, joints, and vessels.