Nibs to Stay Beautiful, Happy and In Love

Nibbling raw cacao nibs is one of life’s great pleasures…minus the guilt.

High regard to chocolate as one of the most harmful junkfood is no secret. But this view should be attributed to commercial processing and refining techniques that tosses in loads of chemicals with the raw ingredients.

Remember that all chocolates are whipped out from cacao beans that are natural, organic, unadulterated, and unprocessed. Mixing the beans with white sugar makes chocolate one of the most harmful munchies. Nonetheless, eating it raw can help you absorb necessary nutrients and make the most out of its health benefits.

Nutrients in Cacao Nibs and how they Work


Cacao has the highest level of this antioxidant than any sources tested like black teas, red wine and blueberries. In fact, the flavonoids in cacao nibs are four times more than that of green teas. This can bring the following health gains:

–          Stronger cardiovascular muscles: regular consumption of the nibs dilates blood vessels thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. Flavonoid also improves circulation, regulates blood pressure, and lowers the level of LDL cholesterol in the body. As such, eating the nibs is a step further from heart attacks and stroke.

–          Protection from toxins: cacao antioxidants eliminate possible cell and tissue damages that may resulted from free radicals. They also repair the dents and prevent certain cancers


Eating unprocessed cacao nibs increases the amount of serotonin in the brain. This is how it serves as an anti-depressant and cure to mood swings spurring out from PMS and menopausal symptoms/


Chocolates make you happy, and so do cacao nibs. The superfood promotes an overall sense of well being and induces a pleasurable sensation. This explains the “high” you get from indulging in sweets. This time, the experience is safer without potential harmful side effects.


Cacao nibs can help you battle off fatigue and depression. The tiny beans can help you raise the level of neurotransmitters in your brain thus triggering the influx of positive thoughts and instant feeling of rejuvenation inside out.

Phenylethylamine and Anandamide

Hopeless romantics often claim that there’s no other state that can beat the feeling of being in love. Truth is, it is possible to feel the same giddiness and all-beautiful mood without necessarily finding a lover.

Snacking on the nibs is your golden ticket to being in love.

The beans can elevate mood and enhance alertness or concentration. They are found to contain two bliss chemicals that are produced by the brain only when you feel great. Cacao has N- acylethanolamines that can promote relaxation and prolong the “happiness.”


Who needs numerous beauty products when you have cacao nibs that can supply you with the beauty mineral? Sulfur is responsible in strengthening nails and hair strands. At the same time, it makes the skin glow as it flushes of toxins inside the body (particularly from the liver).

Essential fats

While fats have long been demonized, there’s such thing as healthy fats. These can be acquired from oleic acid that can raise the level of good cholesterol in the body. Ironically, it’s the essential fats that can make you slimmer by suppressing your appetite and letting you have full control of your diet.